Everything my husband said during 20 minutes of playing Super Mario World.

Warning: language.Oh, fuck! Come on Bitches. Come here, come here. Hoody hoo Oh fucker Now I gotta do it all fast n shit Schbam-x6 Gimme yoshi Run jump jump jump pussy jump jump jump jump Shapow Schbam schbam That's what I thought Oh you mfer I guess I could have gotten yoshi Come here Worthless fuckin level Oh fuck you bitch ass mfer Eat a cock God I hate you Oh yeah, yay, forgot about this. Worthless fuckin tunnel Get outta my way bitches Longest stupidiest fucking jump ever Oh fucking stupid Come here bitch Dammit Punk fart noise Yay I get to go beat Wendy's ass Awewwweee, dickhead Dammit In a big circle yay. Ah god, damn, stupid Yessss Oh I fucking, I hit the thing already You can't jump off of air, dickead Let's goo Dammit Come on, josh (talking to himself) Oh I missed the yoshi coin, fuck Oh fuck Dirka dirka Dammit Fuck it No Why didn't you jump fucker Oh you fucking piece of shit, cock sucker Bitch Bitch Awwww Fuck Oh duh, It's gonna slam on me and kill me, dumbass. Oh come on Bitch Eh get there! Really? same one. It's the Stupidest one. via /r/funny


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